Plugins, media players, and multimedia types
plugins and media players are software programs that allow you to experience multimedia on the Web. These terms are sometimes used interchangeably. File formats requiring this software are known as MIME types. MIME stands for Multimedia Internet Mail Extension, and was originally developed to help e-mail software handle a variety of binary (non-textual) file attachments. The use of MIME has expanded to the Web. For example, the basic MIME type handled by Web browsers is text/html associated with the file extention .html. MIME types area also used to process multimedia on the Web. A few examples:- Jpeg photo: image/jpeg
- MPEG video: video/mpeg
- Quicktime movie: video/quicktime
- MP3 audio: audio/x-mpeg-3
- Flash presentation: application/x-shockwave-flash
plugins are software programs that work with your Web browser to display multimedia. When your browser encounters a multimedia file, it hands off the data to the plugin to play or display the file. Working in conjunction with plugins, browsers can offer a seamless multimedia experience. The plugins needed to experience Web multimedia are available for free.
A common plugin used on the Web is the Adobe Reader. This software allows you to view documents created in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF). These documents are the MIME type "application/pdf" and are associated with the file extension .pdf. A PDF is a type of image file. When the Adobe Reader has been downloaded to your computer, the software will open and display the file when you click on its link on a Web page. Try viewing this PDF document from the U. S. Census Bureau. Sometimes a Web page will display the official PDF icon to alert you that the file is in PDF format.
Audio files, including music, are an important part of the Web experience. Listening to music on the Web is a popular pastime. Audio files of many types are supported by the Web with the appropriate players. The MP3 file format probably the most popular option for audio files.MP3 files are also the source of podcasts. These are audio files distributed through RSS feeds, though the term is sometimes also used to describe video programming (or vodcast). You can subscribe to a podcast's RSS feed, and listen to the podcast series, with a special type of player called a podcatcher. A podcatcher can be either available on the Web or downloaded to your computer like any other plugin. iTunes can serve as a podcatcher. Keep in mind that you can often listen to a podcast on the originating site. For an example, visit Podcasts.
Want to create your own podcast? Fondren Library at Rice University offers useful instructions in their tutorial Podcasting Howtos.
tip! Podcast series are available via RSS feed. To learn about RSS, visit the tutorial RSS Basics.
Thousands of radio stations broadcast live on the Web. Just use a search engine to locate a station's Web site, and follow the links to the live broadcast. Visit this page for an example of one radio station's live broadcasts.
The Web is a medium for exchanging information among professionals. A live professional broadcast from a conference, company, or institution is sometimes referred to as a webcast. A variation on this is a webinar, a seminar broadcast on the Web.
To watch video discussions by experts in their fields, take a look at:
- Academic Earth, a collection of free video lectures by top scholars
- BigThink, where experts discuss current events
-, where academics, journalists, and others have two-way conversations, or diavlogs, on substantive topics
- Hulu, a site offering TV broadcasts and movies
- iTunes U, which offers free lectures from a handful of universities
- WebMedia: Special Events at Princeton University, offering archived speeches and conferences
Embedded media
As you browse the Web, you can experience multimedia on the sites of the people who sponsor or create the broadcasts. There are also aggregator sites you can visit, including Flickr and YouTube.It's also possible to embed multimedia on your own Web pages. The capacity for unlimited distribution is a major reason why multimedia on the Web has become so popular. Also, it's quite easy to do. In most cases, embedding a media file is just a matter of copying code and pasting it onto your Web page. The two examples below took only a few minutes to complete. Both require the Flash player (MIME type of application/x-shockwave-flash).
Here is an embedded video from YouTube.
tip! The phenomenon of embedded media is related to the concept of widgets. A widget is a snippet of a program running on another site that can be embedded on your own Web page. Check out Widgetbox to get an idea of some widgets you might want to try.
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